Rotaract Island Impact Initiative

We are People of Action

Our local network of five thousand neighbors, friends, and leaders volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs.

Island Impact Initiative

The Island Impact Initiative is a comprehensive development program led by Rotaract District 9214. Our primary goal is to address the unique challenges faced by Uganda's island communities. Through various projects, the initiative aims to improve access to essential services such as healthcare, education, clean water, and economic opportunities.


It also focuses on infrastructure development, community engagement, and sustainability, with the ultimate aim of breaking the cycle of poverty and limited access to vital resources, thereby empowering island residents to lead better lives.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to address the unique challenges faced by these often-overlooked communities and empower them to reach their full potential. We envision thriving island communities where residents have access to essential services, enjoy economic stability, and live-in harmony with their natural surroundings.

Our Stories of Hope

Restoring Hope on Bufumira Island

Restoring Hope on Bufumira Island

Bufumira Island – A heartwarming initiative took root on the weekend of 11-13 August 2023 when the Rotaract and Rotary…

New Learning Materials Bring Hope to Mutanda Island School

New Learning Materials Bring Hope to Mutanda Island School

In the heart of Lake Mutanda, Uganda, stands an island school, a testament to resilience amid adversity. This picturesque setting,…

From Despair to Hope: Kimi Island’s Success Story

From Despair to Hope: Kimi Island’s Success Story

In a remarkable tale of community-driven transformation, the Rotaract Club of Nkumba Stewards embarked on a mission to breathe new…

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